There's one big thing in our house, and its the laundry room! Our first project for this room was to get all our coats, shoes, backpacks, etc., in order. These hooks were cute, but just not cutting it for our family of 5.
The hubster finally gave in and built me some lockers. I LOVE how they turned out!!! My hubby got the
FREE plans to build these lockers
here. Aside from putting up crown molding in our dining and living rooms, this was our first big "we built something" project. (Well, maybe I did a lot of "helping" and painting/sanding, finishing work.) We added the molding at the top, and I really love the bead board on the backs, and I sanded and distressed the edges (but it doesn't show much in the picture).
Anyhoo, it took about 2 months of working on it on the weekends to complete, and around $200 for materials. I think they turned out just as nice, if not nicer than PB. (Where you could get 1 for the price instead of 2.) We built them in 2 locker sets in case we move to a house that can't accommodate the large size.
Of course there are cubbies under the seat, but just ignore all the shoes strewn about, we live here okay :-) There's still plenty more to do in this room, like that obnoxious neon yellow paint color (I love yellow, but not this shade--previous owner's choice) that has to go:-)
All in all I love the new organization for all our stuff. There is supposed to be a "2 jacket limit" per person, but I think I'm the biggest violator of that rule:-)
Plus, I found a new home for my original hooks, right up next to the front door for guest coats- no more cramming them in the closet or hanging them on the banister.